It’s been absolutely ages coming so let’s talk Black Dynamite.
This incredible film came out at the beginning of 2010 in the states and I was fortunate to see an early copy of it. At first I thought it was a re-issue of an old 70’s Blaxploitation picture I just hadn’t heard of, similar to that of Shaft and Superfly. It is in fact, a comedy spoof which plays homage to the 70’s genre from start to end.
This is written, directed by the incredibly talented Michael Jai White who also stars in the lead role. Some may notice him as one of the mob bosses in The Dark Knight. The rest of the cast are fairly unknown with the exception of Arsenio Hall (Trading Places) but don’t let that put you off.
Here’s a great scene featuring the "righteous" Pimpin’ Council.
Black Dynamite had me in stitches throughout. The comedy comes in the form of the ridiculous story, shoddy dialogue, awful acting, laughable stunts/SFX and poor direction but all done with intention and in the best possible way.
For those that have seen Blaxploitation films you will really appreciate the attention to detail shown in this, it’s phenomenal! The cast and crew were really passionate in making the film look and sound right.
The film features a completely original soundtrack, full of rich 70’s esque funk and soul tunes, all produced using original 70’s recording equipment (yes, good old analogue) and instruments! I’ve never seen a film with this much attention to detail.
I don’t want to spoil this for anyone that hasn’t seen it so won’t reveal the story, but all you need to know is it’s fantastic fun to watch. Repeat viewing only seems to make this better, I’ve seen it 6 times and it still makes me laugh and I occasionally notice new things.
This is, without a doubt, the BEST comedy I have seen this year and I highly recommend it to all that appreciate films of the 70’s. It's a shame it had such a limited cinema release in the UK. Black Dynamite has the UK release date of 24th January 2011 for DVD/Blu-ray so please look out for it.
I’m hoping the cast/crew will make a sequel, I would love to see that! A new Black Dynamie cartoon series should be starting fairly soon on Adult Swim from the sounds of things, I look forward to checking that out.
After a 14 year break (that makes me feel so old!) Mike Judge has brought back the teenage duo for more immature hijinks and the show's better than ever.
I expected the new season to look, sound and feel different to the 90's show but no, its exactly the same crude animation and voices but its brilliant because of this. The MTV music videos are still there but with the addition of other MTV shows such as Jersey Shore for the guys to totally rip into.
It's such a great return I highly recommend those who remember the original show to re-visit this and get all nostalgic.