It takes a while for the sound to start but if you have problems hearing it you can download the full track here
Its obvioulsy a long track but is well worth a listen to.
Before you slag the trailer below off I have two words for you... Duncan Jones!
Yes, this is Duncan Jones (director of the excellent 'Moon' and David Bowies son) next film. So far Source Code looks a lot like the awful 2006 Tony Scott film Deja Vu but I have a feeling this will be loads better.
After a 14 year break (that makes me feel so old!) Mike Judge has brought back the teenage duo for more immature hijinks and the show's better than ever.
I expected the new season to look, sound and feel different to the 90's show but no, its exactly the same crude animation and voices but its brilliant because of this. The MTV music videos are still there but with the addition of other MTV shows such as Jersey Shore for the guys to totally rip into.
It's such a great return I highly recommend those who remember the original show to re-visit this and get all nostalgic.