Saturday 10 November 2007

Planet Terror (2007)

I won't pussyfoot around, Planet Terror is an absolutely awesome film and I highly recommend it to anyone who likes cheesy horror films, gore, guns, hot girls and did I mention it... gore!

Its infinitely better than Quentin Tarantino's boring and drawn out Death Proof (which to those who don't know was the other half of 'Grindhouse' - a feature film that contained two films bundled with four fake trailers, originally screened in its entirety in America).

Directed by Robert Rodriguez, this is probably one of the most entertaining films I've seen this year. I was laughing through most of the film, laughing at the ridiculous plot, the over exaggerated death scenes and characters such as the one played by Naveen Andrews (Sayid from Lost) who collects testicles and carries them around in a jar/carrier bag!

The female lead, Rose McGowan just looks stunning as Cherry Darling, the ex Go-Go dancer with ambitions of grandeur. As you can tell from the poster, Cherry looses her leg and has a machine gun in its place (introduced later in the film). This is simply fantastic and will be remembered in the future as a unique and iconic character.

The special effects are brilliant, well all the visuals are. Similar to Death Proof, this film has the same grainy/scratched look to it although it seems to work better here. The blood effects are some of the juciest I've seen, splattering everywhere. I'd like to think they used some old special effect styles instead of using just CGI, especially with FX veteran Tom Savini in the cast (he plays one of the cops).

This version of the film comes attached with one of the original, and probably best of the fake trailers - 'Machete' from the original Grindhouse (although Machete is now being made into a full length movie, can't wait to see that!).