Saturday 8 December 2007

Film Update

I haven't blogged for quite a while thanks to the wonderful Xbox 360 sci-fi game Mass Effect absorbing most of my free time. I have managed to watch a few films though.

Heres a quick update on what I've recently seen;

Beowulf in 3D has to be seen to be believed. The visuals are amazing, all completely computer generated producing some incredibly realistic characters. Add some rather funky Buddy Holly style 3D glasses and watch the special REALD version and you've got quite an exciting ride! Practically nude, CGI Angelina Jolie is something to talk about.

I wouldn't really recommend this film, its a bit too loved up and sickly for my tastes. However watching Robert De Niro perform as a gay pirate is really funny. It does have a fairly decent British cast (including Adam Buxton from the excellent Adam & Joe show) and from the looks of it was filmed over here, thats always nice to see!

I'd like to consider myself as a Wes Anderson fan having enjoyed all of his previous movies however I felt this one didn't have all the usual charm I was used too. Not to say it didn't have its moments, the scenery and set pieces are really great with some ingenious directing techniques. The story didn't really cut it for me and most of the film was a sombre affair with not so many funny moments. The story is about three brothers reuniting after the death of their father, hoping to reconnect with each other whilst they travel across India on a spiritual pilgrimage.

I really didn't like this. It was full of dodgy looking CGI animals, terrible child actors with awful Cockney accents and a really bizarre story that didn't seem to go very far. I'm a lazy sod and haven't read any of the books from the Philip Pullman 'Dark Trilogies', I've heard they're amazing.