Friday 12 December 2008

The Day The Earth Stood Still (2008)

Why on "Earth" was this huge Christmas blockbuster so bloody awful? I haven't felt so angry after watching a film in ages (well... not since the new Indiana Jones movie)! Avoid at all costs, just watch the 1951 original.

Oh yeah, I just read this on IMDb;
In an old-fashioned publicity stunt, 20th Century Fox plans to beam The Day the Earth Stood Still to Alpha Centauri, the nearest star, via a satellite communications network in Cape Canaveral, Fl. Daily Variety commented today that the stunt will result in "the widest release ever -- if you count outer space." (It noted that by the time the signal reaches the star, it will be 2012, not exactly an Earth/Alpha Centauri simultaneous premiere.)

That's not really the smartest of ideas. Its an open invitation to alien invaders to come to Earth for a free lunch!