Tuesday 25 May 2010

Lost Finale

So, it's finally over. After six seasons we finally have all those unanswered riddles and mysteries revealed... right? Well yes and no.

This sixth and final season hasn't been that great to be honest but I had to stick with it. Lost is like no other show (that I've seen) and having already dedicated 5 years of my life watching it I wasn't about to stop.

The flashbacks are gone, replaced with parallel glimpses of what would have happened if the Oceanic flight never crashed and what each character would be doing in the present day. Residents of the island, Jacob & Richard have had dedicated episodes to explain their history and the Black Smoke Monster was explained, to a point. That's not to say everything has been tidied up nicely, there's still plenty of stuff that doesn't make sense which I'm sure will be discussed by the Lost followers for many years to come.

Lost was always going to be a difficult show to end and with that in mind, the ending will probably seem disappointing to many but I quite liked it. I think if you've been able to follow the show since the beginning and have gone along with the crazy ideas, the ending shouldn't be that difficult to comprehend.