And whilst I'm on the subject of Star Wars, check out this superb Blaxploitation spoof trailer for a Lando themed movie called BlackStar Warrior. Hopefully with the recent sucess of Black Dynamite (WATCH IT NOW!!!) this could get made into a full feature.
It had to happen eventually, now in its 30th (yes - 30th!!!) year, Star Wars and its many sequels will finally get a Blu Ray HD release. This time Lucas is packing in even more deleted and missing scenes, it's amazing there is still so much unseen footage is still kicking around.
Release date is sometime next year unfortunately which seems badly organised, on the 31st anniversary - come on! Maybe that will tie in with the theatrical release of all the films, revisioned in 3D? And eventually the 3D versions will get a released on disc (or whatever format has taken over) and I'll probably buy the whole series again!
Lucas is one clever bastard.
Anyway, enjoy the above montage of all six films against the excellent John Williams score. I don't think I've ever seen the films put together like this, it makes me want to dust off the DVD's and rewatch them all again.
Karl Urban (Lord of the Rings, Doom, Star Trek) has signed up to play Judge Dredd in a new big screen outing. The new film should be darker than the Stallone version and if reports are correct, Urban will be keeping the helmet on throughout.
Shooting will take place in Johannesburg with most of the team behind the excellent District 9 so I think we can all start to get (quietly) excited!
After a 14 year break (that makes me feel so old!) Mike Judge has brought back the teenage duo for more immature hijinks and the show's better than ever.
I expected the new season to look, sound and feel different to the 90's show but no, its exactly the same crude animation and voices but its brilliant because of this. The MTV music videos are still there but with the addition of other MTV shows such as Jersey Shore for the guys to totally rip into.
It's such a great return I highly recommend those who remember the original show to re-visit this and get all nostalgic.