Friday 22 February 2008

Be Kind Rewind (2008)

Be Kind Rewind is an original comedy about an old run down video (yes, VHS) rental shop on the brink of closure.

Whilst the manager (Danny Glover) takes a short break he leaves the shop in the capable hands of Jerry (Mos Def). Jerry is pestered constantly by his conspiracy theorist friend Mike (Jack Black) who owns the local scrap yard. Through some idiotic scheme (you'll have to watch it to see, its very funny!) Mike gets magnetized and accidentally erases the entire VHS collection in the shop.

In a desperate attempt to keep the shop running and to fool the customers Mike & Jerry re-shoot the films with the aid of a really old video camera, toys, tin foil, scrap metal and tonnes of enthusiasm! The re-made films (or 'sweded' films as the story refers to) become surprisingly popular with the customers in the neighbourhood, often running at a fraction of the time as the original but so much funnier. Business soon picks up after the public find out about the homemade movies.

The sweded version of Ghost Busters is simply fantastic, trailers for all the sweded films can be found here or the official (sweded) site -

Theres more to the story than just sweded films but I don't want to spoil things any further.

The film itself has a nice low budget indie look to it, directed by Michel Gondry who's previous films include The Science of Sleep and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.