Saturday 23 August 2008

Film Update 23/08/2008

I haven't written anything for ages although I've been watching loads of stuff. I've been distracted by playing the excellent Bionic Commando Rearmed and of course my most favourite game ever Rock Band on the Xbox 360.

Anyway, at the cinema I've seen the following films;

A totally retarded action film (based on a graphic novel) where James McAvoy is an unknowing descendant of a super hit man and has the ability to curve bullets! After being initiated into Angelina Jolie's gang he gets assigned missions to take out randomly generated "bad" guys for the greater good. Its really really stupid and far fetched but also quite fun if you ignore physics and other broken laws. Morgan Freeman also stars.

Quite a nice idea to have a flawed superhero but ultimately the story wasn't strong enough and it ended up getting far too unnecessarily complicated. It would have been loads better if there was an actual point to the story and for it to end on a cliffhanger. Also superhero films need both the 'superhero' and an equally balanced 'supervillain', there wasn't any strong bad guy characters. Overall it felt a bit flat.

This was a really nice CGI movie. Jack Black and the other voice actors (including Jackie Chan as the monkey) were great. However the best bit about the whole movie was the brilliant dream sequence at the start which was portrayed as a traditional cartoon. It reminded me so much of Samurai Jack, my most favourite cartoon of all time - thats certainly not a bad thing in my opinion!

This together with Speed Racer is one of my most favourite films of the year. I wasn't expecting too much from it, well - I was expecting it to be good since it was made by Pixar but if far exceeded my expectations. It has a truly lovely story and a underlying point about the environment today. All the characters are brilliant and lovingly created in glorious CGI. The visuals were so strong that there wasn't much need for dialogue which is just as well as most of the robots just bleeped.

THE DARK KNIGHT (see review on 28/07/2008)

Guillermo del Toro proves to cinema goers he has what it takes to become one of the future great directors in my opinion. OK, Hellboy 2 wasn't brilliant although it was thoroughly entertaining but the vision of the director and the new scale/budget seemed to compliment each other. I cannot wait to see what del Toro makes of the Hobbit in 2011.

More of the same shenanigans, nothing really new here. Jet Li was wasted as a bad guy, Brendan Fraiser was alright however since Rachel Weisz has left the project American actress Maria Bello was cast in her role. Her English accent was on par with Dick Van Dyke's in Mary Poppins. It was entertaining but probably would have been better if it was released a few years ago and had all the original cast.

Yeah OK, I had a few hours free and this was new at the cinema. The advert looked kinda funny. It was alright overall, maybe could have done with more jokes but I think as long as you're not Israeli or Palestinian and don't know too much about the conflict you could probably enjoy this. I definitely think Hacky-Sack should be a recognised sport in the 2012 Olympic Games now after watching this.

Originally meant for the small screen, George Lucas apparently saw how good it looked and decided to release it as a feature film. Its entertaining but doesn't quite have that Star Wars feel to it. The baby 'Hutt' will make you laugh/cringe.

Its been a while since I saw the original sixties TV show (created by the brilliant Mel Brooks) so I can't really comment on the similarities. This big screen adaptation is however totally crap. If you've already seen the trailer you've already seen most of the jokes, well... situations. Its incredibly dull, Steve Carell should be doing better films really. On the plus, Anne Hathaway was really hot! Oh yeah, look out for Bill Murray's pointless cameo. I'm sure there are lots of cameo's from the original cast in this too like the old man who crashes his car, he's got to be someone from the sixties show.