Monday 4 August 2008

A funny Steven Seagal story

This is hilarious and apparently true, it comes from a good source.

Once upon a time on the set of a Steven Seagal action film, the main man Seagal was boasting at how extremely awesome and tough he was and that no one could ever choke him. Up for a challenge his stunt double (a judo master) steps in, seconds later Seagal is passed out on the floor.

However this wasn't the end of his shameful embarrassment, oh no! Mr Seagal had unfortunately not been to the toilet that day and the sudden loss of consciousness had a tragic effect with his bowel control. You get the general picture.

I like to think he didn't bring any spare clean underwear and I also like to think something like this happens on ALL his films hence why he always walks like a complete tool!