Tuesday 18 September 2007

Disturbia (2007)

Disturbia is basically a modern update of the 1954 Alfred Hitchcock film 'Rear Window'.

Its an enjoyable movie and the update really works well for the iPod/YouTube generation. Rather than having the lead house bound due to an illness/disability the main character is under house arrest with a monitoring device strapped to his leg, alerting the police if he strays more than 100ft from his house.

The lead is played by Shia LaBeouf, this guy seems to be getting some amazing roles at the moment - Transformers and the new Idiana Jones film (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) to mention a few. He's also got to star with some stunning women, Megan Fox & Sarah Roemer, not that I'm jealous or anything (lucky bastard!).

Anyway, its a great suspense/thriller which works really well and I recommend it. Find the trailer below.