Sunday 9 September 2007

Films out on the 14th of September (UK)

Well, last weeks cinema releases were nothing to talk about but by the end of this coming week things should hopefully change with a couple of new movies.

The first is 'Superbad'. Yeah, it sounds awful but the trailer looks really good. This is a comedy about a group of friends in the final few weeks of school getting into all sorts of trouble before leaving for college. It's co-written by Seth Rogen, the lead guy from Knocked Up who's really making a name for himself now (he also plays one of the cop's in the trailer). The film also features Michael Cera a.k.a George Michael Bluth from the excellent 'Arrested Development' series so I'll spouting out loads of A.D quotes throughout (to the annoyance of anyone sitting around me, ha ha!).

The second is 'Shoot Em Up'. Yeah yeah yeah!!! Gunfights, car chases, Monica Bellucci still looking hot... that'll do me! I don't really know much about this film but I've heard there's not much of a real story although it is great fun to watch full with over the top action. The excellent Clive Owen's has the lead with Paul Giamatti taking the strange role of 'BAD GUY'. Giamatti usually plays good guys or minor supporting roles so I'll be interested to see how he handles it. The film itself looks like a cross between a John Woo film and some random 80's action movie. Neither is a bad thing in my book!